Agrarian technopark structures as a progressive instrument of regional development


  • Ирина Царенко Институт экономики УрО РАН



устойчивое развитие, аграрные технопарковые структуры, агропромышленный комплекс, инновационное развитие, цифровая экономика, технопарки, импортозамещение


Introduction. The development of agriculture and production improves the socio-economic position of regions and contributes to their progressive development. The need for a more detailed study of this direction and actualises scientific research to develop effective ways to diversify regional economies through the development of agrarian technopark structures. The purpose of the research is to analyse the efficiency of technopark structures and to consider the possibility of further adjustment of state support programmes as a priority direction of further sustainable development of cluster agriculture and production in the regions. Methods.  With the help of the system method the economic phenomena and possible processes of development of agrarian technopark structures in the region were considered, which allowed to determine the quality of the priority regional environment and the possibility of its interaction with political, economic, social and natural peculiarities existing in a particular region. Results. The article presents the components of the expected result from the effective development of agrarian technopark structures, expressed in a qualitatively new standard of living of the population of the region. The quality of the priority regional environment and the possibility of its interaction with the existing features in the region will allow to make a choice of the most preferable form of creation of agrarian technopark structures in the region. Conclusions. To substantiate the analysis of the main indicators, the reasons of limitations for the introduction of innovations in the agro-industrial sector of the economy are formulated and recommendations for the development of a set of organisational and economic measures for further improvement and development of agrarian technopark structures in the regions, which will make a significant contribution to food independence of the country and import substitution are presented.

