For authors

Authors should register with the Journal before submitting materials. In addition to the article in .docx format, a cover letter should be attached.

   Format Requirements

Articles are published in Russian and English. The title, abstract, key words and references are duplicated in English.

The length of the article, including the list of references, should not exceed 10-25 pages of text.

The entire article (text, tables, notes, headings, foreign inserts, list of references, captions, etc.) should be typed on a computer - size 12, Times New Roman font, single interval with 3 cm margins.

  1. UDC identifier
  2. Author credentials:

-   contain the full name and affiliation of the authors (the place of the main work of the authors);

- the affiliation indicates the place of work of the authors or the name of the organization (according to the Charter) that performed the study, city, country;

-   specify ORCID;

-   specify the author responsible for correspondence, his email.

  1. The title of the article should briefly (no more than 12 words) and accurately reflect the content of the article, the subject and results of the research.
  2. Abstract should not exceed 200 words, reflect the content of the article and the results of the research. The abstract should summarize the essential facts of the work that are present in the main part of the publication.

The text in abstract should be structured:

a) Introduction: the scientific problem is posed, the gap in knowledge occupied, the objectives of the study;

b) Methods: provides information about the object and the sequence of the study (briefly);

с) Results: specific author’s results of the study are given;

d) Conclusion: the main results, their application in real practice and research prospects are indicated.

An abstract in high-quality English should not be a tracing paper of the Russian-language version.

  1. Keywords (5-10) should reflect the main problems, object and achievements of the study. They should contribute to the search for an article in search engines.
  2. The main text of the article is presented in a certain sequence:
  • Introduction: includes a description of the importance of the study, problem area; description of the main trends, approaches of modern research and publications the author relies on; identification of a scientific gap in existing work, a clear definition how this article fills this gap. At the end of the introduction, clearly formulated goals and objectives are set, explaining the further study of the article in a particular area. This section should address these issues in the order in which they are presented.
  • Materials and methods of research: the process of organization of the research, applied methods are described in detail; detailed information about the object of study is given; the sequence of the study is indicated and the choice of the methods used is substantiated. When using standard methods and procedures, reference should be made to appropriate sources.

  • Results: show the actual results of the study. The results should be described in sufficient detail so that the reader can trace its stages and assess the validity of the conclusions made by the author. The goal of this section is to prove a working hypothesis. It is necessary to use visualization tools (tables, graphs, figures) with a mandatory reference in the text. All tables and figures should have titles and numbers and be placed in the text no earlier than their first mention. References in the text to tables and figures should contain their numbers.

The Discussion section can be combined with the Results section (Results and Discussion). In this case, all the results obtained are given an interpretation, including the correspondence of the results to the research hypothesis. The results presented in the article can be compared with previous works in this area by both the author and other researchers.

  • Conclusion: contains the main ideas of the main text of the article, conclusions on the results, limitations of the study, practical significance of the results obtained, possible directions for future research.

You can not repeat the words given in the previous sections.

The Discussion section can be combined with the Conclusion section (Discussion and Conclusion).

  1. Acknowledgments are given as needed. Authors should include details of additional sources of funding, including project and/or grant numbers. Persons, organizations, foundations, etc., who provided any assistance in the conduct of the study are listed.
  2. Authors' contributions. At the end of the manuscript, the actual contribution of each co-author to the work must be performed. The order of indications of the authors of the article is agreed by them independently.
  3. References. The bibliographic description of documents is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of All-Union State Standard P 7.0.5–2008. The Journal adopted the Vancouver citation style (reference in the text in square brackets [ ], full bibliographic description of the source in the list of references in the order of mention in the text of the article). You need to refer to original sources from Russian and foreign scientific journals included in the global citation indices. It is advisable to use at least 15 references. At least half of these are over the past 3 years. All-Union State Standards, textbooks, manuals, regulations, websites are not scientific literature and are cited in the interlinear text as page links.