Banking service technologies as a tool for increasing the efficiency of interaction with clients


  • Ольга Сергеевна Сиваш Институт экономики и управления Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского



credit institution, commercial bank, technology, service, quality of service


Introduction. The efficiency of customer service in a commercial bank is inextricably linked with the need to introduce modern banking technologies that affect the speed and quality of the service provided. The intensity of development of banking technologies requires studying their features and application criteria. Purpose of the study. To study trends in the introduction and development of modern technologies in banking and their impact on the quality of customer service of credit institutions. Methods. The study used a wide range of scientific methods, such as the method of system-structural analysis, methods of formal and dialectical logic, analysis and synthesis, systems approach, methods of statistical processing, comparisons, methods of financial analysis, graphical methods. Results. The introduction of modern banking technologies can have both positive and negative effects on banking results. Customer preferences very much depend on their age, as well as on personal preferences in choosing a channel of interaction with a commercial bank. The variety of technologies used by banks allows each client to choose the most suitable one, taking into account existing requests and the characteristics of business activities. Conclusions. Effective interaction of commercial banks with clients in the context of digital transformation can only be carried out using modern banking technologies containing many components with appropriate characteristics. Maximizing efforts to use modern technologies helps expand the client base and increase financial results.

